Creative Storytelling

Jack Hall
2 min readMay 31, 2021

This video made by P&G in 2014 is an excellent example of a video created by a business that moves it’s viewers. We have all had similar experiences growing up and going through our lives. We all fall down and need somebody to pick us back up, tell us it is ok to fail, and help us keep growing. Even if it wasn’t mom for some people, we all have somebody that plays the role of the mom in this video. It shows us that never giving up on our passions or goals will get us where we want to be in life and that hard work pays off.

The video starts with a mother teaching her baby to walk, and picking them up when they fall. This is the theme that is carried throughout the video. Whether it it is learning to walk, learning to skate, or facing an injury as an adult, mom is always there to pick her kids up. The video does not use a narration as the video is enough to convey the message. It focuses on relatable moments that we all have had, even if it was a different activity than ice skating or hockey. Family is a soft spot for many people, so focusing on the support family gives was a good choice by P&G.

P&G made an interesting choice here in the way of not showcasing their products in the ad. Most commercials are made to showcase a products features or show how it can help you as a consumer. They only mentioned their products briefly at the end of the video, showcasing some of their product lines that we are all familiar with. People buy based on emotion, so showing that a company cares about people and not just products seemed to be the goal here. If a consumer see’s something that moves them, and then associates them with the brands that produced it, they could be more likely to buy.

The interesting thing to think about here is that the products that P&G manufactures are not exactly items you would think about when it comes to having an emotional connection to. Whenever we buy laundry detergent we do not sit in the aisle at the store and think about which one has the strongest emotional connection. We usually base that off of something like how good does it smell, or how well will it clean my clothes. Taking this approach to making people feel emotions behind a product like this could easily have a good influence on the buyer.

